Interactive fiction has been around for decades and has many forms, such as video game style adventure games or RPGs, text adventures, and gamebooks. The most famous example is the CYOA children's book series, which sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide. Interactive fiction adventures put the viewer/readers in the drivers seat, giving them a sense of agency, which is proven to be more engaging. Today, CYOA style projects are very popular and can be found on many social platforms such as YouTube, Reddit, and Imgur. However, none of these platforms offer tools designed to create interactive projects, or a community where interactive projects can be monetized.
Actionode is an entertainment and design platform that acts as a community for multimedia interactive fiction projects. The mission is for Actionode to be a boundless, interactive, and engaging space, where you can unleash your true creative potential, and get paid for it! Design and publish your own projects, or adventure through the public projects and choose your own destiny. Actionode’s design tools allow elements on pages to be styled and linked to other pages using node networks. Projects have many different paths and outcomes for the viewing user to experience.
To grow Actionode as web app with the newest technology and trends to offer a flawless one stop platform for creating interactive projects. With expansion into 3D metaverse design spaces, and interactive advertising.
Actionode is designed by
Cyphersoft Inc.
Andrew and Archie started working on Actionode as students at the University of Victoria. They began prototyping and developing Actionode in November 2018. Both of them have experience with full stack web development. Andrew is great with project organization, front end development, and testing. Archie has become an expert of databases, machine learning and AI, and has great problem solving skills. Together, they make an unstoppable team.